Refer a friend of Japanese descent of 28+ years and earn up to $5,000

Japanese paid clinical trial participants talking
Newark, NJ
Male & Female
28+ years
Smokers & Non-Smokers
Screening starts on: March 14, 2022

Biotrial is recruiting healthy males and females of Japanese descent of 28+ years, to become paid volunteers for its clinical studies.

Refer a friend of Japanese descent, and you will earn $2,000 when they participate and $3,000 when they complete the study.

For more information: contact us at 844-246-8459, or email us at:

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1RO127: Healthy Females 22+, Pregnant Females 22+, and Children 5-14



1RO127: mujeres sanas de 22 años o más, mujeres embarazadas de 22 años o más, y niños de 5 a 14 años
Bird perspective image of a large group of paid clinical trial participants looking up and clapping with their hands.

18 - 65

2 night(s)


Healthy Volunteers 1DEE1
Group portrait of paid clinical trial participants standing outside.


14 night(s)


Healthy Volunteers 1JQT39
Middle aged paid clinical trial participants taking a picture outside


6 night(s)


Healthy Volunteers 1DWT4
Narcolepsy related words printed on white background.


10 night(s)


Adults diagnosed with narcolepsy type 2 or idiopathic hypersomnia (IH)