You may qualify and be compensated up to $1,500 if you meet the following requirements:
Study duration: 2 outpatient dosing days on D1 (full day) and D15 (full day).
Study objective: compare an investigational drug with a commercialized drug to treat high pressure in the eyes.
For more information: contact our recruiters at (844) 246-8459 or email us at
Click here for the study calendars.
What is glaucoma? Increased pressure in the eye, called intraocular pressure, can damage the optic nerve and lead to glaucoma and vision loss. Glaucoma usually happens when fluid builds up in the front part of the eye; the extra fluid increases the pressure and damages the optic nerve. About 3-6 million people in the United States have high intraocular pressure, including 4 to 10% of the population older than 40 years.
Our Refer-a-friend program: earn $100 and more, depending on the study.
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